Centre Park Link
A number of partners have provided the funding for this £19.89 million project: Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership Local Growth Fund, Ministry of Housing and Community and Warrington Borough Council.
The scheme comprises a 1.2km highway link and signalised junctions including a 45m span bridge crossing of the River Mersey and all associated environmental and civil infrastructure design.
Overall predicted impacts and outcomes of the scheme include:
Relieve traffic congestion by providing a new river bridge link
Make land viable for development of new housing by providing access to brownfield and underused sites in the Town Centre and Warrington Waterfront.
Increase resilience and reliability of the highway network
Make Warrington a more attractive place to live and for businesses to invest
Enhance access to the Town Centre and Centre Park Business Park, leading to economic growth and physical regeneration at Centre Park and in the Town Centre
Save journey time for commuters, business users and Transport Providers;
Reduce pedestrian and cyclist severance between the Town Centre and Centre Park Business Park
Contribute to the achievement of air quality objectives in Warrington Town Centre.